BREP Asia SG L&T Holding (NQ) Pte. Ltd. (the “Blackstone Sponsor” ) is a portfolio company of a Blackstone Inc. (“Blackstone”) real estate fund and is a co-Sponsor of Knowledge Realty Trust (“KRT”). Blackstone is one of the world’s leading investment firms and global alternative asset managers with an AUM of USD 1.1 trillion as of June 30, 2024. Blackstone is headquartered in the United States and has offices in a number of geographies, including Europe and Asia. It is listed on the New York Stock Exchange. The Blackstone Sponsor presently holds 98.9% in One International Center Private Limited (“OICPL”) and One Qube Realtors Private Limited (“OQRPL”), with the balance shareholding in each SPV being held by certain other entities forming part of the Sponsor Group of KRT. OICPL holds One International Center and One Unity Center and OQRPL holds One Qube, which form part of the Portfolio of KRT. The Blackstone Sponsor has been invested in OICPL and OQRPL since 2018.